Lately Blake has been cracking me up with his funny things he comes up with. First of all he has renamed the piggy back ride and calls it a 'hackey ride' and always asks for hackey rides. This pic is of Ted giving him hackey rides around the house.
Also at daycare his teachers were telling me how he funny he is and they are pretty sure he will be the class clown. Well the other day he put his truck in the closet and says, 'knock knock' I thought it was going to be about getting his truck out of the closet, so I said, 'whos there' he said, 'banana' - I asked 'banana who' - he started giggling and did it again, after the 3rd time he was laughing so hard I couldn't tell what he was saying and ran off falling on the floor laughing. I just never thought Blake would be 2 1/2 when he told me his first joke! ( I asked his daycare teacher if they did jokes at school - they don't where he got it from?)
Other funny things he has been saying,
'oh come on' - when he wants his way with something
'Hey - I have an idea' - but when I ask him his idea he never has one, so I don't think he knows what he is talking about.
and lastly
'what's going on here'
Maybe it's the tone he uses, but they are pretty funny!