The first day I woke up with a cold :-(, but due to the time change, Blake woke up at 3:30 a.m, which would be 5:30 a.m. Illinois time and Grandpa actually stayed up with him! The first day there we went to the zoo, then Blake and Heather took naps while the rest of the clan hung at the pool. That night me and Ted went to the Hard Rock, as we do on every vacation.

The next day Gma wanted to eat at Richard Walkers pancake house, so after that we swung by the USS Midway, which Ted wanted to see. But me and Blake weren't feeling that great so we went back to nap again while my parents and Ted toured the USS Midway.

That afternoon we took a tour on a seal, it starts out as a car and then goes into the water as a boat! That was cool cause we saw sea lions just hanging out on rafts and learned a little about the ciy, for example they only have 1 runway at SD airport and they have planes take off over 90 seconds but only between the hours of 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. (I think those are the right hours)

That night we did dinner with Charlotte and Miranda, from the moms group in Peoria - her husband was also in town for the convention.

the next day we went to Cornado Island; this ended up being quite an ordeal. We began by taking the ferry from seaport village to cornado island, which we thought came over every 10 minutes, it was every hour and we go there after it just left !@#@! so we got on and expected to just be at the beach, no - there were little shops and restaurants and a bus stop that was supposed to take us to Hoetl Del Cornado, so we waited there forever while blake had a meltdown cause we didn't have milk, he was tired, etc . . . Grandpa got him some juice, we were all good, no bus so we ended up calling a taxi, so it took some time, but it was worth it. Cornado was beatiful. It was a huge beach, white sand and it there was almost no one there so it was awesome. We thought Blake would end up falling asleep but he had SO much fun at the beach. He loved it when the waves would splash on him and he also had a great time getting messy in the sand and then on the ferry ride back - he crashed!

The next day we all left the Hyatt, Ted went back to Illinois and me and Blake hung with gma and gpa. They got a condo at Mission Beach and Blake's favorite thing there was running up and down the outside hall - I'm sure all the neighbors loved us! He also enjoyed hanging outside with Gpa and watched the boats go by on the bay. We just chilled around that night.

Our last day there we visted Sea World. This was one of my favorite things. I just love seeing all of the water animals. Unfortunately Blake woke up super early and used most of his energy in the morning and fell asleep pretty early here, but we were still able to see and pet the stingrays, along with the aquarim fish including the star fish and watch the sea lion/otter show and the shamu show.

I had such a great time spending the whole week with Blake and thought it was going to be so hard to leave him on Monday when I went back to work. But as soon as we pulled into Little Lambs parking lot he said, 'yeah school' then when I opened his door he said' I'm done in your car mommy I'm going to school' and never ran so fast to see his friends. so I guess it wasn't as hard for him as it was for me!
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